🥸How to Claim Your Clan

To determine your eligibility for OG Trade Clans, follow these steps 👇

1. Connect Your Wallet

  1. Join your Clan now at ZKX: https://app.zkx.fi/clans

  2. Navigate to the top panel and click on ‘Clans.’

  3. Create an account or log in to your ZKX Account to discover your Clan.

  4. You have 4 clans: Yakuza Barons, Pachinko Degens, Ethereum Titans, and DeFi High Rollers, and entry into them is based on your DeFi on-chain history.

  5. Click the ‘Create Account’ button to check your eligibility for the clans.

  6. After creating your account or logging in, proceed to the next screen and click on the ‘Check Eligibility’ button.

2. Path to Eligibility

  1. You will now arrive on the Path to Eligibility screen.

  2. Connect your L1 wallet that has been whitelisted (MetaMask, Coinbase, and WalletConnect.)

  3. Sign the request to confirm wallet ownership (free and non-transactional.)

3. Mint your Clan NFT

  1. Once you have verified your L1 wallet, you will come to ‘Mint your Clan NFT’, where you will know which clan you’re eligible for. Note - (Clan NFTs are FCFS)

  2. You can mint your clan NFT in your ZKX Account on Starknet and can access it there.

  3. Click on the ‘Mint Now’ Button.

  4. Once your mint request is sent, click ‘Start Trading.’

These steps walk you through the process of checking your eligibility and minting your exclusive Clan NFTs.

Profile Summary

  1. Navigate from the top panel and click on Profile.

  2. Log in to your profile to track your Trading Rewards.

  3. On the left, your Reward Summary displays your $ZKX Tokens and the total number of badges you have accumulated.

  4. To explore your clans, click "View Clans" to unlock your exclusive PVL badges and access your Transaction History.

  5. You have the freedom to claim your NFT badges and $ZKX tokens at your convenience. However, we recommend accumulating them and claiming them in a single transaction to save on gas fees.

Last updated