🌟ZKX Staking

To ensure healthy tokenomics, we’re introducing a staking mechanism that shares protocol revenue with ZKX stakers, incentivizing token holders to lock supply out of the market.

Staking Mechanism

  • Users can stake ZKX tokens for fixed periods (3, 6, 12, 36, or 60 months) to earn a share of the platform’s revenue in USDC.

  • Staking periods have multipliers that increase revenue share, and users can have multiple stakes, each maturing separately.

  • After the staking period, users can withdraw or restake their tokens.

  • Revenue is distributed daily based on the amount and duration of staked tokens.

Dynamic Staking Model

Flexible Staking Periods

Users can stake any amount of ZKX tokens (>0) for the fixed periods of:

  • 3 months

  • 6 months

  • 12 months

  • 36 months

  • 60 months

The longer users stake the tokens, the more % of the revenue they can capture.

Multiple Stakes

Users can also create multiple stakes. Each stake is calculated separately and matures independently.


DateAmountDuration, RevenueMaturity (Unstaking)

01 June 2024

10 $ZKX

3 months.

For the period of 1/6/2024 to 1/9/2024 user will be receiving part of the platform’s revenue.

1st of September 2024 user can either withdraw 10 ZKX tokens or restake them

15 July 2024

15 $ZKX

6 months.

For the period of 15/7/2024 to 15/1/2025 user will be receiving part of the platform’s revenue.

15th of January 2025, user can either withdraw 15 ZKX tokens or restake them


Withdraw or Restake

After the staking period ends, users have two options:

  1. Withdraw: Retrieve your staked tokens.

  2. Restake: Lock your tokens for a new period.

Restaking has its perks:

  • Save on gas fees

  • Instantly lock your $ZKX for a duration that suits you

This flexibility maximizes your benefits while managing your staking strategy efficiently.

USDC Revenue Distribution

  • Daily Revenue Share: 20% of the platform’s daily revenue is deposited into a contract and distributed to all stakers based on their stakes.

  • Pro-Rata Calculation: The revenue share each user receives is proportional to their stake amount and the duration of their staking period.

  • APY is variable


3 months


6 months


12 months


36 months


60 months



  • User A stakes 10 tokens for 3 months (Multiplier: 1x), so their share is 10×1=1010 times 1 = 1010×1=10.

  • User A also stakes 5 tokens for 60 months (Multiplier: 16x), so their share is 5×16=805 \times 16 = 805×16=80.

  • User B stakes 10 tokens for 12 months (Multiplier: 4x), so their share is 10×4=4010 times 4 = 4010×4=40.

UserTokens stakedPeriod, multiplier Total Share of the Pool

User A, stake 1

10 $ZKX

3 months, 1x

10 $ZKX

User A, stake 2

5 $ZKX

60 months, 16x

80 $ZKX

User B, stake 1

10 $ZKX

12 months, 4x

40 $ZKX

  • The revenue distribution will be Daily Amount Available in the Rewards Pot* (Your $ZKX Stake/ Total $ZKX Stake); see examples below.

  • Now, if there is a $5000 pool to be distributed (this amount depends on 20% of the protocol's daily revenue), it will be divided based on the calculated shares:

User$ZKX TokensRevenue to share, pro-rataUSDC Returns

User A, stake 1

10 $ZKX

$5000 * (10/ 130 ) = $5000 * 0.0769


User A, stake 2

80 $ZKX

$5000 * (80/130) = $5000 * 0.6153


User B, stake 1

40 $ZKX

$5000 * (40/130) = $5000 * 0.3076


Last updated